Seema + Colin .. and Lasers!

I had the absolute pleasure of working with Ms. Seema on her very unique laser-cut wedding invitations! Seema wanted to blend her Indian heritage with Colin’s New Orleans heritage. She also wanted to incorporate a technical gears and robots theme, to reflect their “geeky” side. We took a fusion approach to combine the elaborate, dotted motifs common among Indian designs with a technical theme reminiscent of gears and circuits.

During this process, our printing press staff had already begun experimenting with laser cutting processes, so we had the opportunity to take advantage of the technology. I must also commend my client for being so open to guinea pig this process with us! We learned many things from a production standpoint, a few of which are still being worked out. But I’m SO excited to unofficially announce laser cutting as a coming-soon capability for onelittlem orders!

Our first laser cut invitation order!
The elaborate design on the purple cards alone took 14 minutes each to laser cut – something that must be addressed before we are able to officially offer laser cutting services. Time = money, and we’d like it to require less of both!

We used pearlescent white paper for all the content cards, and a lovely grey metallic paper for the pocket to contrast under the deep royal purple design when folded.


I love these little robot place cards!

Stay tuned for when we officially announce laser cutting options for invitations! This technology really opens a wide range of limitless options for paper products, and I’m so excited to go anywhere and everywhere we possibly can with it!