Olivia’s First Birthday!

The first year of your child’s life goes by SO quickly. If you’re a new parent, there is absolutely no shame in taking a million photos of your baby every day. There’s so much for them (and you) to learn, it’s certainly never boring!

I know the first birthday party is mostly just for the parents to celebrate their child’s first year of life (and let’s face it, surviving that first year themselves). But I wanted to choose a theme based on things Olivia could actually enjoy based on her developing preferences.

A few months ago, we noticed her taking special interest in all things musical, which is no surprise, since her daddy is highly talented in the area of all things musical. I bought myself a re-issue of the Fisher Price record player for my birthday last year (when I was 35 weeks pregnant), which has since become a favorite for Olivia as well. She has choreographed her own little dances to anything remotely musical (even to the sound of the printer in my studio!) So we thought this would make the perfect theme for her birthday party.

Her party invitations are miniature record albums, inspired by the Fisher Price record player:



It comes with a little record, made up of two laser cut layers of grooves, over a middle solid layer.

You can hardly tell it apart from the toy plastic records.

PARTY TIME! All of the party photos were taken by my amazingly talented twin sister, via Amkar Photography.

DSC_1222Themed party hats!

DSC_1226I thoroughly enjoyed hosting this thing!


DSC_1247Olivia’s dress was made by Mommy. I absolutely adore the 1950s puff-sleeve style.

DSC_1318Cutie! (She wasn’t sure she was allowed to rip the paper).

DSC_1371Olivia takes her favorite gift for a test drive. Thanks Auntie Amber!

DSC_1419Her cake was basically a huge blueberry muffin.

DSC_1441Olivia is ONE!!

Here is our little highlight video: